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Malaysia consists of two main territories: Peninsular Malaysia (mainland) and Malaysian Borneo (island), separated by the South China Sea. As of August 2018 (Q2), its population counted over 32.4 million[1]. Malaysia is recognized as a newly industrialized market economy, that underwent a transformation from mining and agricultural-based economy toward multi-sector economy in the 1970s. Currently, Malaysia is an oil and gas exporter and 40% of the government revenues come directly from this sector. According to the Department of Statistics Malaysia in 2017, the GDP of Malaysia reached USD 327 billion, placing the country as the third largest economy in the ASEAN after Indonesia and Thailand. Moreover, in terms of GDP per capita, with USD 10,092, Malaysia ranks 3rd among the Southeast Asian countries, after Singapore and Brunei Darussalam. Kuala Lumpur is the capital city located on the mainland.


[1] Department of Statistic Malaysia