The 5th ASEAN Energy Outlook: ASEAN is on Track to Reach Their Energy Intensity Target

Manila, Philippines – The ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) is pleased to launch of the 5th ASEAN Energy Outlook (AEO5) during the Philippine DOE’s press conference for the 35th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting and Associated meetings on September 28th in Manila Philippines. ACE Executive Director, Dr. Sanjayan Velautham launched the Outlook together with The Philippine Secretary of Energy, Alfonso G. Cusi. The AEO5 was developed based on the energy policies and targets of 10 ASEAN Member States (AMS). The final results of AEO5 are in-line with AMS’ expectations of their future energy landscape, in particular with their national expectations of future economic and population growth.

Overall, the AEO5 indicates that ASEAN is well on track to reach the APAEC energy intensity reduction target of 20% by 2020 and 30% by 2025 based on the 2005 level. The region’s aspirational target to increase the share of RE to 23% by 2025 in the energy mix will require further enhanced efforts from all stakeholders. As ASEAN is strongly committed to reduce carbon emissions from the energy sector intervention over the long-term, substantial reductions of 16% carbon intensity levels from the present value are projected to be realised in 2040.

The AEO5 is a joint output of ACE with the active involvement of all 10 AMS under the directive of the Regional Energy Policy and Planning Sub-sector Network, with technical assistance from Fraunhofer ISI and is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through ACE-GIZ jointly implemented ASEAN-German Energy Programme (AGEP).


See full joint press release here

Download the 5th ASEAN Energy Outlook here