In celebration of 2022 International Women’s Day, the ASEAN-German Energy Programme (AGEP) phase II, a collaborative project implemented by the ASEAN Centre for Energy and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) took part in several initiatives as our commitment in promoting gender equality in energy and implementation of gender mainstreaming in the project.
In March 2021, ACE and GIZ, through AGEP, launched of gender and energy infographic. The project aimed to raise awareness of the projected growth of renewable energy job creation, highlighting the major economic opportunities for women and men in the energy transition journey. We also addressed the key challenges women have faced in managerial positions and technical jobs in this sector. The infographic is available here:
Another engagement made in March 2022 was AGEP’s participation in the workshop on energy-climate nexus, gender, and energy policy, along with Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on 22 March 2022. This workshop was organised by ACE in collaboration with UNEP and initiated a project to establish guidelines for ASEAN Member States to accelerate renewable energy deployment through ASEAN renewable energy and gender-responsive policy roadmap. Establish a roadmap to integrate gender-responsive policy to expedite RE deployment in Southeast Asia. It will also offer a common policy toolbox on gendered impediments of renewable energy policy by identifying and compiling the latest findings of relevant studies to venture towards more common gender-responsive policy approaches.
Lastly, on a regular basis, the AGEP project also implements another gender mainstreaming measurement, for instance, the collection of gender-disaggregated data to monitor women’s participation in project activity to make sure women and men are equally represented in the decision-making process or multistakeholder dialogue. (HM)