Under the ASEAN-German Energy Programme for ASEAN (AGEP)–a jointly implemented project by ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)–ACE is developing a study which elaborates on recent and successful energy efficiency and conservation (EE&C) fnancing mechanisms and highlights relevant institutional and policy frameworks in the region. The mapping also depicts the challenges and available opportunities of EE fnancing in ASEAN to facilitate the development of effective schemes that support national and regional EE&C targets.
This Executive Summary is an overview of the upcoming full report, which provides detailed review of various existing financing schemes and supporting policies in AMS, identifies challenges and provides respective recommendations to accelerate EE&C development in the region. Any feedbacks from the Member States will be incorporated in the upcoming final report in January 2019.
Download here: Executive Summary on Energy Efficiency Financing in ASEAN, 2018