Study on Smart Grid Overview in ASEAN

Under the ASEAN-German Energy Programme for ASEAN (AGEP)–a jointly implemented project by ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)–ACE finalised the Study on Smart Grid Overview in ASEAN.  The Study was developed with technical assistance from Energynautics GmbH.

With the rise of renewable energy in power systems, particularly in solar and wind energy, traditional power systems are evolving from centralized systems with very few generating units to decentralized systems with large numbers of generators, which has subsequently resulted in high levels of complexity. To manage such these new power systems, the concept of ‘smart grids’ has been developed in recent years which facilitates the flow of power and information in future power grids. Furthermore, smart grids can improve the reliability of the supply of power in developing countries as well as facilitate efficient integration of new industrial and residential electricity demands, such as Electric Vehicles (EV), while also reducing expensive grid updates.

The study elaborates on recommendations to apply smart grids to the member states of the ASEAN region in order to establish reliable and cost-effective power supply while also achieving the current renewable energy goal of 23% of total primary energy supply by 2025, as specified by the 5th ASEAN Energy Outlook. 

Download here: Study on Smart Grid Overview in ASEAN, 2018